Founded on biblical principles, DNA of a Leader is God’s design for leadership and structure for discipleship.
DNA of a Leader integrates your private spiritual life with your public ministry life.

There are 28 videos that will take you through the DNA of a Leader curriculum. These have been created to help you maximize your learning experience. We encourage you to go in sequence and to complete the entire course, all at your own pace.
This book is a powerful companion tool, essential to receiving the full DNA of a Leader experience. Note taking, journaling, and sections for reflection will help you apply these important leadership principles. After doing DNA for many years, the companion book becomes a journal and reference tool that is highly recommended.

Tools and resources have been created to help you apply the principles you have learned:
Stewardship Map
Integrate your private, spiritual life with your daily life by making strategic, weekly decisions.
Personal Diagnostic
Take in depth assessments to gain clarity in your private and public leadership. Receive focus for growth so you can accelerate your leadership impact.
Mission Statement Builder
Get a deep hold of God’s will for your life through the mission statement builder.
Tools and resources have been created to help you apply the principles you have learned:
Leadership Insight Videos
The process of growth never ends. Receive amazing leadership insight from a diverse group of leaders covering a wide range of DNA of a Leader topics. These are available for your continued leadership growth. New insight videos added regularly.
Leader Resource Library
A library with articles, book recommendations, sermons, and much more to help you grow in the various principles of DNA.
“This is more than a leadership course. My burden is to see God’s Kingdom expand through leaders who are privately healthy and publicly fruitful.”

Pastor Al Toledo, Lead Pastor of Chicago Tabernacle, with his wife Chrissy, pioneered the multi-ethnic, vibrant church in 2002. Al, who spent his early years in New York City preparing for a promising career as a professional baseball player, gave his life to Jesus while on a baseball field at the age of 17. His Major League journey ended shortly after being drafted by the Chicago White Sox, as God started to direct Pastor Al along a path towards the ministry. He left baseball and began attending a church a short distance from the apartment he grew up in, The Brooklyn Tabernacle. It was there where he would meet Chrissy, the daughter of Lead Pastor Jim Cymbala and his wife Carol.
Pastor Toledo served in various ministries and shortly thereafter responded to the call to full-time Christian service. This led Pastor Al to Omaha, Nebraska, where he pastored a thriving Assemblies of God church. He later returned with Chrissy to The Brooklyn Tabernacle to support the growing work before, finally, moving to Chicago.
Pastor Al lives with a fervent desire to see people become all God has called them to be. An expression of this desire is the DNA of a Leader, a leadership training launched in 2012 to staff and lay leaders at Chicago Tabernacle, emanating from his over 25 years of ministry experience. Since then, DNA has been taught globally, in multiple seminaries, and in various cities.
Al and Chrissy have three children – Susie, Annie and Tommy – and four grandchildren – Wesley, James, Roman and Joel.