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Stewardship Map Growth Focus

The Stewardship Map is a tool to identify the best sense of how to use the Master's resources – it helps us live out God's will and mission for our lives! Often times, growth in this area of our private health can unlock new levels of public fruitfulness. 

As you seek to grow in your Stewardship effectiveness, consider the following: 

1. Take a moment and list the different God-given stewardships in your life. What are the different areas of responsibility in your life that God has entrusted to you? 

2. Reflect on the week-to-week execution of your stewardships. Are there any areas of your life that receives significant energy, time, resources, and focus, but is not a God-given stewardship?

3. Utilize the Stewardship Map on the DNA of a Leader learning platform. This tool, exclusive for DNA of a Leader subscribers, allows you to plan and prayerfully commit your week to the Lord, and receive daily email notifications and sync your Stewardship Map with your Google Calendar. 

Take a look at what Scott Hagan, President of North Central University of 

 of the Assemblies of God, says about Stewardship below.

Subscribe to DNA of a Leader today for full access to Course Materials, Insight Videos, the Resource Library, and personal Integration Tools for you and your team today!

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